[Buildbot-devel] AssertionError: Scheduler 'trunkscheduler' uses unknown builder 'factory'

brett bneely at gmail.com
Mon Aug 28 21:43:46 UTC 2006

I'm having trouble with the syntax for my builder.  My current config
involves one builder and a subversion repository.  When I run
"buildbot start ." on the master, I hit an assertion (which will be
pasted below this paragraph).  Note that the word 'factory' in the
string 'Scheduler trunkscheduler...uses unknown builder factory' is a
key within my b1 dictionary.  The name of the builder is
'fast-builder', not 'factory'.

2006/08/28 14:31 PDT [-] Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/scripts/twistd.py",
line 182, in startApplication
            app.startApplication(application, not config['no_save'])
          File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/application/app.py",
line 298, in startApplication
          File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/twisted/application/service.py",
line 196, in startService
          File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/buildbot/master.py",
line 608, in startService
        --- <exception caught here> ---
          File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/buildbot/master.py",
line 663, in loadTheConfigFile
          File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/buildbot/master.py",
line 765, in loadConfig
            assert b in buildernames, \
        exceptions.AssertionError: <Scheduler 'trunkscheduler' at
7169928> uses unknown builder factory

I am using Mac OS X 10.4.7, python 2.3.5, Twisted 2.4.0, and buildbot 0.7.4

Can anyone spot an error with my configuration?  Here's a cleansed
version of my master.cfg:

# -*- python -*-
# ex: set syntax=python:

# documented in docs/config.xhtml .

import os.path
from buildbot import scheduler
from buildbot.scheduler import Scheduler
from buildbot.process import step, factory
from buildbot.status import html
from buildbot.changes.pb import PBChangeSource

c = BuildmasterConfig = {}

c['sources'] = []

c['bots'] = [('machine3', 'hiddenpassword')]

source = factory.s(step.SVN, mode='update',
f1 = factory.BuildFactory([source,
                          factory.s(step.Compile, command="bin/performbuild"),
                          factory.s(step.Test, command="xcodebuild
-target 'All with unit tests'")])

b1 = {'name': 'fast-builder', 'slavename': 'machine3', 'builddir':
'fast-builder', 'factory': f1}
c['builders'] = [b1]

trunk = Scheduler('trunkscheduler', None, 120, b1)
c['schedulers'] = [trunk]

c['slavePortnum'] = 2112

c['status'] = []
c['status'].append( html.Waterfall( http_port=8080, css=os.path.join(
basedir, "buildbot.css" ) ) )

c['debugPassword'] = "debug607"

c['projectName'] = "Project"
c['projectURL'] = "http://projecthost/"

c['buildbotURL'] = "http://buildbothost/"

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