[Buildbot-devel] Python PATH problems?

Ben Hearsum bjhearsu at learn.senecac.on.ca
Fri Aug 4 20:13:08 UTC 2006

I thought about that, but if the cvs binary ever moves it will break it.
I'm hoping somebody knows what the heck is going on..or can at least point
me in the right direction.

> One work around would be to invoke a python script in your custom
> MozillaCheckoutClientMk build step, and do the right thing inside that
> script on each platform -- i.e. the Linux boxes would call cvs, whereas
> the
> Windows boxes would call \full\path\to\cvs.exe.
> Grig
> On 8/3/06, Ben Hearsum <bjhearsu at learn.senecac.on.ca> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm in the process of setting up buildbot 0.7.3 on some linux and
>> windows
>> hosts. The buildmaster is hosted on a linux machine. There are 3 linux
>> slaves and 2 windows slaves. All of the Linux slaves work 100% fine but
>> I'm having issues with windows.
>> My build script checks out code from CVS and then proceeds to build the
>> tree. When a windows machine attempts to pull code from CVS the execvpe
>> fails:
>> Upon execvpe cvs ['cvs', '-d',
>> ':pserver:anonymous at cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot', 'co',
>> 'mozilla/client.mk'] in environment id 419141804:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/internet/process.py",
>> line 777, in __init__
>>     os.execvpe(command, args, environment)
>>   File "/tmp/python.340/usr/lib/python2.4/os.py", line 350, in execvpe
>>     _execvpe(file, args, env)
>>   File "/tmp/python.340/usr/lib/python2.4/os.py", line 379, in _execvpe
>>     func(fullname, *argrest)
>> OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
>> The error message also shows me all of the environment variables. The
>> is set as follows:
>> 'PATH': 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio
>> 8\\Common7\\IDE;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio
>> 8\\VC\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Platform SDK\\bin;C:\\Program
>> Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\\VC;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual
>> Studio 8\\Common7\\Tools;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio
>> 8\\Common7\\Tools\\bin;C:\\proj\\vc8-moztools\\bin;C:\\cygwin\\bin;C:\\WINDOWS\\system32;'
>> 'cvs' can be executed fine from any cygwin shell, from a windows cmd,
>> and
>> from the command line python interpreter! If I use a full path to
>> cvs.exe
>> it works without issue.
>> I have posted my master.cfg and a supporting file:
>> http://foxybanana.com/~bhearsum/master.cfg
>> http://foxybanana.com/~bhearsum/mozbuild.py
>> I realize that this may not be a buildbot problem but any input would be
>> appreciated.
>> Cheers.
>> - Ben
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