[Buildbot-devel] (no subject)

Mark Pauley mpauley at apple.com
Tue Apr 18 18:20:55 UTC 2006

So, I've got a quick RFC.

I found that I really wanted
a: to have a scheduler that completely ignores unimportant changes
b: to have the waterfall status class allow a refresh value.

Here are my diffs, I am completely open to suggestions (like for  
example name changes) :)

Index: buildbot/scheduler.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/buildbot/buildbot/buildbot/scheduler.py,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -U5 -r1.15 scheduler.py
--- buildbot/scheduler.py       12 Mar 2006 11:28:04 -0000      1.15
+++ buildbot/scheduler.py       18 Apr 2006 18:19:01 -0000
@@ -180,10 +180,13 @@

      def stopService(self):
          return service.MultiService.stopService(self)

+class OnlyImportantScheduler(Scheduler):
+    def addUnimportantChange(self, change):
+        log.msg("%s: change is not important, discarding %s" % (self,  

  class AnyBranchScheduler(BaseUpstreamScheduler):
      """This Scheduler will handle changes on a variety of branches.  
It will
      accumulate Changes for each branch separately. It works by  
creating a
      separate Scheduler for each new branch it sees."""

Index: buildbot/status/html.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/buildbot/buildbot/buildbot/status/html.py,v
retrieving revision 1.81
diff -U5 -r1.81 html.py
--- buildbot/status/html.py     12 Mar 2006 11:28:02 -0000      1.81
+++ buildbot/status/html.py     18 Apr 2006 18:19:01 -0000
@@ -142,10 +142,11 @@
          return td(text, props, bgcolor=self.color, class_=self.class_)

  class HtmlResource(Resource):
      css = None
+    refresh = None
      contentType = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
      def render(self, request):
          data = self.content(request)
          request.setHeader("content-type", self.contentType)
          if request.method == "HEAD":
@@ -161,10 +162,13 @@
                  ' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"'
                  ' lang="en"'
                  ' xml:lang="en">\n')
          data += "<head>\n"
          data += "  <title>" + self.title + "</title>\n"
+        if self.refresh:
+            data += '  <meta http-equiv="refresh" '
+            data += 'content="' + self.refresh + '"/>\n'
          if self.css:
              # TODO: use some sort of relative link up to the root  
page, so
              # this css can be used from child pages too
              data += ('  <link href="%s" rel="stylesheet" type="text/ 
                       % "buildbot.css")
@@ -1057,19 +1061,21 @@

  class WaterfallStatusResource(HtmlResource):
      """This builds the main status page, with the waterfall display,  
      all child pages."""
      title = "BuildBot"
-    def __init__(self, status, changemaster, categories, css=None):
+    def __init__(self, status, changemaster, categories, css=None,
+                 refresh=None):
          self.status = status
          self.changemaster = changemaster
          self.categories = categories
          p = self.status.getProjectName()
          if p:
              self.title = "BuildBot: %s" % p
          self.css = css
+       self.refresh = refresh

      def body(self, request):
          "This method builds the main waterfall display."
          phase = request.args.get("phase",["2"])
          phase = int(phase[0])
@@ -1546,11 +1552,12 @@
  class StatusResource(Resource):
      status = None
      control = None
      favicon = None

-    def __init__(self, status, control, changemaster, categories, css):
+    def __init__(self, status, control, changemaster, categories, css,
+                 refresh):
          @type  status:       L{buildbot.status.builder.Status}
          @type  control:      L{buildbot.master.Control}
          @type  changemaster: L{buildbot.changes.changes.ChangeMaster}
@@ -1558,12 +1565,13 @@
          self.status = status
          self.control = control
          self.changemaster = changemaster
          self.categories = categories
          self.css = css
+       self.refresh = refresh
          waterfall = WaterfallStatusResource(self.status, changemaster,
-                                            categories, css)
+                                            categories, css, refresh)
          self.putChild("", waterfall)

      def render(self, request):
          request.redirect(request.prePathURL() + '/')
@@ -1634,11 +1642,12 @@

      compare_attrs = ["http_port", "distrib_port", "allowForce",
                       "categories", "css", "favicon"]

      def __init__(self, http_port=None, distrib_port=None,  
-                 categories=None, css=buildbot_css,  
+                 categories=None, css=buildbot_css,  
+                refresh=None):
          """To have the buildbot run its own web server, pass a port  
number to
          C{http_port}. To have it run a web.distrib server

          @type  http_port: int or L{twisted.application.strports}  
          @param http_port: a strports specification describing which  
port the
@@ -1683,11 +1692,14 @@
                          browsers automatically request this file and  
use it
                          as an icon in any bookmark generated from  
this site.
                          Defaults to the buildbot/buildbot.png image  
                          in the distribution. Can be set to None to  
                          using a favicon at all.
+        @type  refresh: string
+        @param refresh: if set, emit a meta refresh tag in the head  
of page
          assert allowForce in (True, False) # TODO: implement others
          if type(http_port) is int:
              http_port = "tcp:%d" % http_port
@@ -1700,10 +1712,11 @@
          self.distrib_port = distrib_port
          self.allowForce = allowForce
          self.categories = categories
          self.css = css
          self.favicon = favicon
+       self.refresh = refresh

      def __repr__(self):
          if self.http_port is None:
              return "<Waterfall on path %s>" % self.distrib_port
          if self.distrib_port is None:
@@ -1724,11 +1737,11 @@
              control = interfaces.IControl(self.parent)
              control = None
          change_svc = self.parent.change_svc
          sr = StatusResource(status, control, change_svc,  
-                            self.css)
+                            self.css, self.refresh)
          sr.favicon = self.favicon
          self.site = server.Site(sr)

          if self.http_port is not None:
              s = strports.service(self.http_port, self.site)


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