[Buildbot-devel] Can't make schedulers trigger a build

Julien Gilli julien.gilli at wengo.fr
Thu Nov 24 13:29:17 UTC 2005


First, i'd like to thank you for your efforts. Buildbot is a nice piece 
of software.

We use a subversion repository, available over HTTP, with 
authentification  (but no server certificate).

Apart from the schedulers, everything seems to be working fine : i can 
force builds on the two slaves that have been setup so far, and the 
builds are successful.

On a svn commit, no action is triggered, even when i setup a very low 
delay as a timer.

One more thing though : i had to modify buildbot a bit to give the svn 
user and password with --username and --password command line switches 
instead than in the URL.

The build master is installed on a GNU/Linux Ubuntu system (x86), with 
Python 2.4 and Twisted 2.x.

I attached my master.cfg file to this e-mail. I've read the list 
archives, but i've bot been able to troubleshoot my problem.

Does anyone have an idea of what could be the problem ?

Thank you very much for your attention.

Julien Gilli

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