[Buildbot-devel] svn_buildbot.py troubles

Paul Warren u3292467 at anu.edu.au
Wed May 4 08:34:37 UTC 2005

Hi there,

I've managed to get the buildbot up and running for my project:


and can now force builds, which in our case run py.test accross the tree.

What I can't seem to get working is the svn_buildbot.py script.

I've got it so that it runs when the svn repository is update, but it
gives errors.

heres what what happens:
/home/svnuser/Scripts/svn_buildbot.py --repository ~/AGDeviceControl/
--revision 270 --bbserver hobo.anu.edu.au --bbport 8008
Repo: /home/svnuser/AGDeviceControl/
quitting! because (<twisted.spread.pb.CopiedFailure
twisted.cred.error.UnauthorizedLogin>, 'FAILURE')

the buildmaster has the following log:

2005/05/04 18:24 EST [Broker,0,] Peer will receive
following PB traceback:
2005/05/04 18:24 EST [Broker,0,] Traceback (most recent
call last):
        Failure: twisted.cred.error.UnauthorizedLogin:

and thats it!

so, whats going on here?

do I need to set up a username/password in my (attached) buildmaster
config?  Because I can't see anything like this in the example
master.cfg files.

Paul Warren
Information Infrastructure Services
ANU SuperComputer Facility
Leonard Huxley, Rm 331
u3292467 at anu dot edu dot au
ph: 612 51481
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