[Buildbot-devel] Slave doesnt create output directory

Nick Trout nick at rockstarvancouver.com
Tue May 3 05:19:01 UTC 2005

> > # Create basic BuildFactory object to generate our steps for us
> > f1 = factory.BuildFactory()
> > # Tell the BuildFactory about the steps
> > f1.steps.append(s(step.ShellCommand, command="dir" ))
> > it kacks because the "build" directory hasn't been created:
> Ah, yes, all of the steps assume that the workdir was created by a
> step of some sort.. a CVS checkout or the like. If you don't do that,
> you'll
> need to add a mkdir step yourself.


> > Oh, also the buildbot slave command doesn't work. I have to use
> > It seems to foul up the arguments and miss the password for some
> Hrm. Sounds like the %1..%9 vs %* problem. How many arguments are you
> passing
> in? Does the 'buildbot' command you're using use '%*' or the old
> parameters?

Could be. I'm using %*. I've attached the batch file I've been using, it
does a load of other stuff like get cvs as well. You might want to put
it in contrib? 

Although it looks correct to me:

Z:\Temp\slave>buildbot slave --force . localhost:8007 myslave pwd
BB: Running buildbot...
chdir Z:\Temp\slave
mktap buildbot slave --basedir Z:\Temp\slave --master localhost:8007
--name myslave --passwd pwd

<<whole load of depration errors removed>>

Option --passwd requires argument
mktap failed, bailing..

> Also, I should probably change 'buildbot slave' to 'buildbot
> or
> 'buildbot make slave' or something, to make the command more clear.
> look
> into this (probably keeping the old command as an alias for a while)
> I
> fix it to make .tac files instead of .tap files.

It seems pretty clear how it is TBH. "slave" to create slave and
"master" for master, then "start" for either.


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