[Buildbot-devel] Perforce Password Patch

Charles Hardin chardin at 2wire.com
Thu Jun 9 01:13:40 UTC 2005

Doing a buildbot for a project and in our environment found that the
following patch was useful since our accounts have to have passwords...



diff -Naur buildbot-0.6.6.orig/buildbot/changes/p4poller.py

--- buildbot-0.6.6.orig/buildbot/changes/p4poller.py    2005-05-18
00:52:08.000000000 -0700

+++ buildbot-0.6.6/buildbot/changes/p4poller.py 2005-06-06 

+++ 23:18:32.000000000 -0700

@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@

     """This source will poll a perforce repository for changes and

     them to the change master."""


-    compare_attrs = ["p4port", "p4user", "p4client", "p4base",

+    compare_attrs = ["p4port", "p4user", "p4passwd", "p4client", 

+ "p4base",

                      "p4bin", "pollinterval", "histmax"]


     parent = None # filled in when we're added

@@ -21,13 +21,15 @@

     loop = None

     volatile = ['loop']


-    def __init__(self, p4port, p4user, p4client, p4base,

+    def __init__(self, p4port, p4user, p4passwd, p4client, p4base,

                  p4bin='p4', pollinterval=60 * 10, histmax=100):


         @type  p4port:       string

         @param p4port:       p4 port definition (host:portno)

         @type  p4user:       string

         @param p4user:       p4 user

+        @type  p4passwd:     string

+        @param p4passwd:     p4 passwd

         @type  p4client:     string

         @param p4client:     name of p4 client to poll

         @type  p4base:       string

@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@


         self.p4port = p4port

         self.p4user = p4user

+        self.p4passwd = p4passwd

         self.p4client = p4client

         self.p4base = p4base

         self.p4bin = p4bin

@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@

         return base.ChangeSource.stopService(self)


     def describe(self):

-        return "p4source %s:%s %s" % (self.p4port, self.p4client,

+        return "p4source %s-%s %s" % (self.p4port, self.p4client, 

+ self.p4base)


     def checkp4(self):

         d = self._get_changes()

@@ -67,10 +70,17 @@



     def _get_changes(self):

-        args = ['changes', '-m', str(self.histmax), self.p4base]

-        env = {'P4PORT' : self.p4port,

-               'P4USER' : self.p4user,

-               'P4CLIENT' : self.p4client}

+        args = []

+        if self.p4port:

+            args.extend(['-p', self.p4port])

+        if self.p4user:

+            args.extend(['-u', self.p4user])

+        if self.p4passwd:

+            args.extend(['-P', self.p4passwd])

+        if self.p4client:

+            args.extend(['-c', self.p4client])

+        args.extend(['changes', '-m', str(self.histmax), self.p4base])

+        env = {}

         return getProcessOutput(self.p4bin, args, env)


     def _process_changes(self, result):

@@ -91,9 +101,13 @@

         return defer.DeferredList(ds)


     def _get_change(self, change):

-        args = ['describe', '-s', change['num']]

-        env = {'P4PORT' : self.p4port,

-               'P4CLIENT' : self.p4client}

+        args = []

+        if self.p4port:

+            args.extend(['-p', self.p4port])

+        if self.p4user:

+            args.extend(['-u', self.p4user])

+        if self.p4passwd:

+            args.extend(['-P', self.p4passwd])

+        if self.p4client:

+            args.extend(['-c', self.p4client])

+        args.extend(['changes', '-m', str(self.histmax), self.p4base])

+        env = {}

         d = getProcessOutput(self.p4bin, args, env)

         d.addCallback(self._process_change, change)

         return d




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