[Buildbot-devel] buildbot help needed

KR Arun. Chand achand_st at beceem.com
Fri Aug 5 11:09:35 UTC 2005

yep,My cvs repository is running in beceem-chand and i looked in to the buildmaster's "twistd.log" file and it reads like this

>>>>>> buildmaster's "twistd.log" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Log opened.
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] twistd 1.3.0rc1 (/usr/local/bin/python 2.4.1) starting up
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] reactor class: twisted.internet.default.SelectReactor
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] Loading buildbot.tac...
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] Loaded.
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] set uid/gid 0/0
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] loading configuration from /usr/local/bin/MyMaster/master.cfg
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] loadConfig_Sources, change_svc is <buildbot.changes.changes.ChangeMaster instance at 0x409d65ec> <buildbot.master.BuildMaster instance at 0x4097faec>
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] Starting factory <buildbot.changes.freshcvs.FreshCVSConnectionFactory instance at 0x40a13e2c>
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] adding new builder buildbot-full for category None
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] trying to load status pickle from /usr/local/bin/MyMaster/full/builder
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] added builder buildbot-full in category None
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] currentlyOffline
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] Botmaster.addBuilder(buildbot-full)
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] adding IStatusReceiver <Waterfall on port 8010>
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] twisted.web.server.Site starting on 8010
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] Starting factory <twisted.web.server.Site instance at 0x40b8748c>
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] ----------------->port =  <twisted.web.server.Site on 8010>
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] twisted.spread.pb.PBServerFactory starting on 9989
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] Starting factory <twisted.spread.pb.PBServerFactory instance at 0x4097fb6c>
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] ----------------->port =  <twisted.spread.pb.PBServerFactory on 9989>
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] BuildMaster listening on port 9989
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [-] configuration updated
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [Broker,client] connected to FreshCVS daemon
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [Broker,0,] bot attached
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [Broker,0,] Got slaveinfo from 'bot1name'
2005/08/04 18:14 IST [Broker,0,] Builder buildbot-full attached
and i dont get any acknowledgement when i commit a file in the log ...also i looked in to twistd.log of freshcvs
and it reads
>>>>>>>>>>>.twistd.log of freshcvs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .
 Log opened.
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] twistd 1.3.0rc1 (/usr/local/bin/python 2.4.1) starting up
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] reactor class: twisted.internet.default.SelectReactor
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] Loading freshcvs.tap...
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] Loaded.
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] twisted.spread.pb.PBServerFactory starting on 4519
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] Starting factory <twisted.spread.pb.PBServerFactory instance at 0x4097a48c>
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] ----------------->port =  <twisted.spread.pb.PBServerFactory on 4519>
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] twisted.spread.pb.PBServerFactory starting on "'/usr/local/newrepo/CVSROOT/.freshcvs'"
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] Starting factory <twisted.spread.pb.PBServerFactory instance at 0x409d796c>
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] << SELF.PORT = /usr/local/newrepo/CVSROOT/.freshcvs >>
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] ----------------->port =  <twisted.spread.pb.PBServerFactory on '/usr/local/newrepo/CVSROOT/.freshcvs'>
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] set uid/gid 0/0
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] (Port 4519 Closed)
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] Stopping factory <twisted.spread.pb.PBServerFactory instance at 0x4097a48c>
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] <cvstoys.fresher.Repository '/usr/local/newrepo'> loading configuration from /usr/local/newrepo/CVSROOT/freshCfg
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] 3 config sets found
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-]  ::DBG:: hello.C
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] twisted.spread.pb.PBServerFactory starting on 4519
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] Starting factory <twisted.spread.pb.PBServerFactory instance at 0x409dd2ec>
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-] ----------------->port =  <twisted.spread.pb.PBServerFactory on 4519>
2005/08/04 17:08 IST [-]  ::DBG:: .
2005/08/04 17:11 IST [Broker,1,] Zero files, assuming this is a module import and that process 28818 isn't doing anything else.
It says Zero files??? :(..even though i commited some files
and my freshCfg file in the CVSROOT directory looks like this
# -*- Python -*-
# See the documentation for cvstoys.config and cvstoys.actions.
# Argument order is (repository, path, file, action).

# Change address and uncomment to get e-mail notification.
# mail = ConfigurationSet([
#     (None, None, None, MailNotification(["cvs-commits at localhost"])),
#     ])

#This will log every commit in twistd.log.
debug = ConfigurationSet([
    (None, None ,'hello.C', DebugAction("hi freshcvs")),
pb = ConfigurationSet([
    (None, '.', None, PBService(userpass=('foo', 'bar'), port=4519)),


>It's been a while since I've used cvstoys myself, but I believe that the line
>you have commented out ought to do the trick:

 c['sources'] = []
 c['sources'] = FreshCVSSource("beceem-chand",9999, "foo", "bar")

also i have uncommented the above code in master.cfg file and still it's not working....what is wrong ???
MyMaster is connected to freshcvs daemon .....should i add something to  file's in the CVSROOT directory .
freshcvs has added these lines in to  the loginfo and commitinfo files

In loginfo file
ALL /usr/local/bin/loginfo  %{sVv}

In commitinfo file
ALL /usr/local/bin/loginfo  --commitinfo

I have cleaned up the whole setup and still it doesn't work .
somebody Help me :(

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