[Buildbot-commits] [buildbot/buildbot] b7295f: Spell check and correct of documentation

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Tue Oct 16 00:30:25 UTC 2012

  Branch: refs/heads/buildbot-0.8.7
  Home:   https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot
  Commit: b7295f60a10c6d7dca051a91aa05a57167731aad
  Author: Joe Healy <joehealy at gmail.com>
  Date:   2012-10-15 (Mon, 15 Oct 2012)

  Changed paths:
    M master/buildbot/test/unit/test_master.py
    M master/docs/developer/cls-buildsteps.rst
    M master/docs/developer/cls-irenderable.rst
    M master/docs/developer/config.rst
    M master/docs/developer/database.rst
    M master/docs/developer/master-overview.rst
    M master/docs/developer/master-slave.rst
    M master/docs/developer/metrics.rst
    M master/docs/developer/tests.rst
    M master/docs/developer/utils.rst
    M master/docs/manual/cfg-builders.rst
    M master/docs/manual/cfg-buildslaves.rst
    M master/docs/manual/cfg-buildsteps.rst
    M master/docs/manual/cfg-changesources.rst
    M master/docs/manual/cfg-global.rst
    M master/docs/manual/cfg-intro.rst
    M master/docs/manual/cfg-properties.rst
    M master/docs/manual/cfg-schedulers.rst
    M master/docs/manual/cfg-statustargets.rst
    M master/docs/manual/cmdline.rst
    M master/docs/manual/concepts.rst
    M master/docs/manual/customization.rst
    M master/docs/manual/installation.rst
    M master/docs/tutorial/firstrun.rst
    M master/docs/tutorial/tour.rst

  Log Message:
  Spell check and correct of documentation

Also changed a comment in buildbot/test/unit/test_master.py with a minor typo

Things that have not been corrected

Note this list is not 100% complete.

un-hyphenated or possibly incorrectly hyphenated words where meaning
was clear. An example is reimplement or subdirectories.

mutualisation in cfg-changesources.rst
queriers in cfg-global.rst
uncollectable in cfg-global.rst
syntaxes in cfg-properties.rst
proven in cmdline.rst

release notes

Possibly incorrect code example

Example code change on line 346 in customization.rst - I think my
change is correct, but am insufficiently experienced to be 100% sure.

As I am fairly sure the original is incorrect, I have made the

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