[Buildbot-commits] [djmitche/buildbot] bb6462: work in progress - not sure if this is the best id...

noreply at github.com noreply at github.com
Fri May 14 18:39:22 UTC 2010

Branch: refs/heads/bug827
Home:   http://github.com/djmitche/buildbot

Commit: bb64620e3ada054792d3636001d141992c488b16
Author: Dustin J. Mitchell <dustin at zmanda.com>
Date:   2010-05-14 (Fri, 14 May 2010)

Changed paths:
  M buildbot/broken_test/runs/test_status.py
  M buildbot/changes/changes.py
  M buildbot/changes/manager.py
  M buildbot/interfaces.py
  M buildbot/process/base.py
  M buildbot/status/web/changes.py
  M buildbot/test/regressions/test_import_unicode_changes.py
  A buildbot/test/unit/test_changes_changes.py

Log Message:
work in progress - not sure if this is the best idea, as it might force the rest of buildbot to become properly unicode-aware

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