[Buildbot-commits] buildbot/buildbot/steps shell.py,1.20,1.21

Brian Warner warner at users.sourceforge.net
Thu May 22 22:12:48 UTC 2008

Update of /cvsroot/buildbot/buildbot/buildbot/steps
In directory sc8-pr-cvs3.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv17158/buildbot/steps

Modified Files:
Log Message:
[project @ remove-bkbselectivetest.patch]

Original author: dustin at v.igoro.us
Date: 2008-05-17 18:29:11+00:00

Index: shell.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/buildbot/buildbot/buildbot/steps/shell.py,v
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -d -r1.20 -r1.21
--- shell.py	22 May 2008 22:12:05 -0000	1.20
+++ shell.py	22 May 2008 22:12:46 -0000	1.21
@@ -335,65 +335,3 @@
     descriptionDone = ["test"]
     command = ["make", "test"]
-class BKBSelectiveTest(Test):
-    name = "Test"
-    description = ["testing"]
-    descriptionDone = ["test"]
-    warnOnFailure = 1
-    # Overridden method simple to include test filtering information in the
-    # command that we run and to support supressing code coverage information
-    # to aid testing speed
-    def start(self):
-        extraenv = {}
-        #
-        # See if the NV_TEST_FILTER property has been set. If it has, we want
-        # to pass it in the enviroment to the build slave and adjust the
-        # description of this step to indicate which tests we are running
-        #
-        try:
-            extraenv['NV_TEST_FILTER'] = self.getProperty('NV_TEST_FILTER')
-            description = ["testing (" + self.getProperty('NV_TEST_FILTER') + ")"]
-            descriptionDone = ["test (" + self.getProperty('NV_TEST_FILTER') + ")"]
-        except:
-            # todo - how do we do nothing here?
-            self.command = self.command
-        # Now see if we've been asked to suppress code coverage processing.
-        # If we have, this again needs to get passed in the environment to the
-        # slave.
-        try:
-            if "TRUE" == self.getProperty('NV_SUPPRESS_COVERAGE_PROCESSING'):
-                extraenv['NV_SUPPRESS_COVERAGE_PROCESSING'] = "TRUE"
-        except:
-            # todo - how do we do nothing here?
-            self.command = self.command
-        # Combine any enviroment we want to set with any that was already
-        # specified
-        if self.remote_kwargs.has_key('env') != True:
-            self.remote_kwargs['env'] = {}
-        self.remote_kwargs['env'].update(extraenv)
-        # Invoke the base class to actually carry out the shell command
-        ShellCommand.start(self)
-    def describe(self, done=False):
-        filter = None
-        try:
-            filter = self.getProperty('NV_TEST_FILTER')
-        except:
-            filter = None
-        if done is True:
-            word = "test"
-        else:
-            word = "testing"
-        if None != filter:
-            return [ word + " (" + filter + ")" ]
-        else:
-            return [ word ]

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