[Buildbot-commits] buildbot/buildbot/changes bonsaipoller.py, NONE, 1.1
Brian Warner
warner at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Sep 25 07:21:04 UTC 2006
Update of /cvsroot/buildbot/buildbot/buildbot/changes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs3.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv7627/buildbot/changes
Added Files:
Log Message:
[project @ add Ben Hearsum's BonsaiPoller changesource]
Original author: warner at lothar.com
Date: 2006-09-25 07:20:26
--- NEW FILE: bonsaipoller.py ---
import time
from urllib import urlopen
from xml.dom import minidom, Node
from twisted.python import log, failure
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
from buildbot.changes import base, changes
class BonsaiResult:
"""I hold a list of CiNodes"""
def __init__(self):
self.nodes = []
class CiNode:
"""I hold information about one Ci node, including a list of files"""
def __init__(self):
self.log = ""
self.who = ""
self.date = ""
self.files = []
class FileNode:
"""I hold information about one file node"""
def __init__(self):
self.revision = ""
self.filename = ""
class BonsaiParser:
"""I parse the XML result from a Bonsai cvsquery.
Typical usage is as follows::
bp = BonsaiParser(urlopen(bonsaiURL))
data = bp.getData()
for cinode in data.nodes:
print cinode.who, cinode.log, cinode.date
for file in cinode.files:
print file.filename, file.revision
def __init__(self, bonsaiQuery):
self.dom = minidom.parse(bonsaiQuery)
self.dom = None
self.currentCiNode = None
self.currentFileNode = None
def getData(self):
"""I return data from a Bonsai cvsquery"""
data = BonsaiResult()
while self._nextCiNode():
ci = CiNode()
ci.log = self._getLog()
ci.who = self._getWho()
ci.date = self._getDate()
while self._nextFileNode():
fn = FileNode()
fn.revision = self._getRevision()
fn.filename = self._getFilename()
return data
def _nextCiNode(self):
# first <ci> node?
if not self.currentCiNode:
# every other sibling is a <ci>, so jump 2 ahead
self.currentCiNode = self.dom.getElementsByTagName("ci")[0]
self.currentCiNode = self.currentCiNode.nextSibling.nextSibling
except (AttributeError,IndexError):
self.currentCiNode = None
if self.currentCiNode:
return True
return False
def _getLog(self):
log = ""
for child in self.currentCiNode.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and child.tagName == "log":
log = child.firstChild.data
return str(log)
def _getWho(self):
"""Returns the e-mail address of the commit'er"""
return str(self.currentCiNode.getAttribute("who").replace("%", "@"))
def _getDate(self):
"""Returns the date (unix time) of the commit"""
return int(self.currentCiNode.getAttribute("date"))
def _firstFileNode(self):
for child in self.currentCiNode.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and child.tagName == "files":
# child is now the <files> element
for c in child.childNodes:
if c.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and c.tagName == "f":
return c
def _nextFileNode(self):
# every other sibling is a <f>, so go two past the current one
# first <f> node?
if not self.currentFileNode:
self.currentFileNode = self._firstFileNode()
self.currentFileNode = self.currentFileNode.nextSibling.nextSibling
except AttributeError:
self.currentFileNode = None
if self.currentFileNode:
return True
return False
def _getFilename(self):
return str(self.currentFileNode.firstChild.data)
def _getRevision(self):
return float(self.currentFileNode.getAttribute("rev"))
class BonsaiPoller(base.ChangeSource):
"""This source will poll a bonsai server for changes and submit
them to the change master."""
compare_attrs = ["bonsaiURL", "pollInterval", "tree",
"module", "branch", "cvsroot"]
parent = None # filled in when we're added
loop = None
volatile = ['loop']
working = False
def __init__(self, bonsaiURL, module, branch, tree="default",
cvsroot="/cvsroot", pollInterval=30):
@type bonsaiURL: string
@param bonsaiURL: The base URL of the Bonsai server
(ie. http://bonsai.mozilla.org)
@type module: string
@param module: The module to look for changes in. Commonly
this is 'all'
@type branch: string
@param branch: The branch to look for changes in. This must
match the
'branch' option for the Scheduler.
@type tree: string
@param tree: The tree to look for changes in. Commonly this
is 'all'
@type cvsroot: string
@param cvsroot: The cvsroot of the repository. Usually this is
@type pollInterval: int
@param pollInterval: The time (in seconds) between queries for changes
self.bonsaiURL = bonsaiURL
self.module = module
self.branch = branch
self.tree = tree
self.cvsroot = cvsroot
self.pollInterval = pollInterval
self.lastChange = time.time()
self.lastPoll = time.time()
def startService(self):
self.loop = LoopingCall(self.poll)
reactor.callLater(0, self.loop.start, self.pollInterval)
def stopService(self):
return base.ChangeSource.stopService(self)
def describe(self):
str = ""
str += "Getting changes from the Bonsai service running at %s " \
% self.bonsaiURL
str += "<br>Using tree: %s, branch: %s, and module: %s" % (self.tree, \
self.branch, self.module)
return str
def poll(self):
if self.working:
log.msg("Not polling Bonsai because last poll is still working")
self.working = True
d = self._get_changes()
def _finished(self, res):
assert self.working
self.working = False
# check for failure
if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
log.msg("Bonsai poll failed: %s" % res)
return res
def _get_changes(self):
args = ["treeid=%s" % self.tree, "module=%s" % self.module,
"branch=%s" % self.branch, "branchtype=match",
"sortby=Date", "date=explicit",
"mindate=%d" % self.lastChange,
"maxdate=%d" % int(time.time()),
"cvsroot=%s" % self.cvsroot, "xml=1"]
# build the bonsai URL
url = self.bonsaiURL
url += "/cvsquery.cgi?"
url += "&".join(args)
log.msg("Polling Bonsai tree at %s" % url)
self.lastPoll = time.time()
# get the page, in XML format
return defer.maybeDeferred(urlopen, url)
def _process_changes(self, query):
bp = BonsaiParser(query)
files = []
data = bp.getData()
for cinode in data.nodes:
for file in cinode.files:
c = changes.Change(who = cinode.who,
files = files,
comments = cinode.log,
when = cinode.date,
branch = self.branch)
self.lastChange = self.lastPoll
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