[Buildbot-commits] buildbot/buildbot/changes svnpoller.py, NONE, 1.1
Brian Warner
warner at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Oct 2 00:13:13 UTC 2006
Update of /cvsroot/buildbot/buildbot/buildbot/changes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs3.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv17108/buildbot/changes
Added Files:
Log Message:
[project @ svnpoller: add new ChangeSource, interim checkin]
Original author: warner at lothar.com
Date: 2006-10-01 17:18:18
--- NEW FILE: svnpoller.py ---
# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_svnpoller -*-
# Based on the work of Dave Peticolas for the P4poll
# Changed to svn (using xml.dom.minidom) by Niklaus Giger
import time
from twisted.python import log, failure
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from twisted.internet.utils import getProcessOutput
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
from buildbot import util
from buildbot.changes import base
from buildbot.changes.changes import Change
import xml.dom.minidom
def _assert(condition, msg):
if condition:
return True
raise AssertionError(msg)
def dbgMsg(myString):
return 1
# these split_file_* functions are available for use as values to the
# split_file= argument.
def split_file_alwaystrunk(path):
return (None, path)
def split_file_branches(path):
pieces = path.split('/')
if pieces[0] == 'trunk':
return (None, '/'.join(pieces[1:]))
elif pieces[0] == 'branches':
return (pieces[1], '/'.join(pieces[2:]))
return None
class SvnSource(base.ChangeSource, util.ComparableMixin):
"""This source will poll a perforce repository for changes and submit
them to the change master."""
compare_attrs = ["svnuser", "svnpasswd", "svnurl",
"pollinterval", "histmax"]
parent = None # filled in when we're added
last_change = None
loop = None
working = False
def __init__(self, svnurl, split_file=None,
svnuser=None, svnpasswd=None,
pollinterval=10*60, histmax=100):
@type svnurl: string
@param svnurl: the SVN URL that describes the repository and
subdirectory to watch. If this ChangeSource should
only pay attention to a single branch, this should
point at the repository for that branch, like
svn://svn.twistedmatrix.com/svn/Twisted/trunk . If it
should follow multiple branches, point it at the
repository directory that contains all the branches
like svn://svn.twistedmatrix.com/svn/Twisted and also
provide a branch-determining function.
Each file in the repository has a SVN URL in the form
(SVNURL)/(BRANCH)/(FILEPATH), where (BRANCH) could be
empty or not, depending upon your branch-determining
function. Only files that start with (SVNURL)/(BRANCH)
will be monitored. The Change objects that are sent to
the Schedulers will see (FILEPATH) for each modified
@type split_file: callable or None
@param split_file: a function that is called with a string of the
form (BRANCH)/(FILEPATH) and should return a tuple
(BRANCH, FILEPATH). This function should match
your repository's branch-naming policy. Each
changed file has a fully-qualified URL that can be
split into a prefix (which equals the value of the
'svnurl' argument) and a suffix; it is this suffix
which is passed to the split_file function.
If the function returns None, the file is ignored.
Use this to indicate that the file is not a part
of this project.
For example, if your repository puts the trunk in
trunk/... and branches are in places like
branches/1.5/..., your split_file function could
look like the following (this function is
available as svnpoller.split_file_branches)::
pieces = path.split('/')
if pieces[0] == 'trunk':
return (None, '/'.join(pieces[1:]))
elif pieces[0] == 'branches':
return (pieces[1], '/'.join(pieces[2:]))
return None
If instead your repository layout puts the trunk
for ProjectA in trunk/ProjectA/... and the 1.5
branch in branches/1.5/ProjectA/..., your
split_file function could look like::
pieces = path.split('/')
if pieces[0] == 'trunk':
branch = None
pieces.pop(0) # remove 'trunk'
elif pieces[0] == 'branches':
pieces.pop(0) # remove 'branches'
branch = pieces.pop(0) # grab branch name
return None # something weird
projectname = pieces.pop(0)
if projectname != 'ProjectA':
return None # wrong project
return (branch, '/'.join(pieces))
The default of split_file= is None, which
indicates that no splitting should be done. This
is equivalent to the following function::
return (None, path)
If you wish, you can override the split_file
method with the same sort of function instead of
passing in a split_file= argument.
@type svnuser: string
@param svnuser: If set, the --username option will be added to
the 'svn log' command. You may need this to get
access to a private repository.
@type svnpasswd: string
@param svnpasswd: If set, the --password option will be added.
@type svnbin: string
@param svnbin: path to svn binary, defaults to just 'svn'. Use
this if your subversion command lives in an
unusual location.
@type pollinterval: int
@param pollinterval: interval in seconds between polls. The default
is 600 seconds (10 minutes). Smaller values
decrease the latency between the time a change
is recorded and the time the buildbot notices
it, but it also increases the system load.
@type histmax: int
@param histmax: maximum number of changes to look back through.
The default is 100. Smaller values decrease
system load, but if more than histmax changes
are recorded between polls, the extra ones will
be silently lost.
if svnurl.endswith("/"):
svnurl = svnurl[:-1] # strip the trailing slash
self.svnurl = svnurl
self.split_file_function = split_file or split_file_alwaystrunk
self.svnuser = svnuser
self.svnpasswd = svnpasswd
self.svnbin = svnbin
self.pollinterval = pollinterval
self.histmax = histmax
self._root = None
self.loop = LoopingCall(self.checksvn)
def split_file(self, path):
# use getattr() to avoid turning this function into a bound method,
# which would require it to have an extra 'self' argument
f = getattr(self, "split_file_function")
return f(path)
def startService(self):
# Don't start the loop just yet because the reactor isn't running.
# Give it a chance to go and install our SIGCHLD handler before
# spawning processes.
reactor.callLater(0, self.loop.start, self.pollinterval)
def stopService(self):
return base.ChangeSource.stopService(self)
def describe(self):
return "svnsource %s branch %s" % ( self.svnurl, self.branch)
def checksvn(self):
# Our return value is only used for unit testing.
# we need to figure out the repository root, so we can figure out
# repository-relative pathnames later. Each SVNURL is in the form
# (ROOT)/(PROJECT)/(BRANCH)/(FILEPATH), where (ROOT) is something
# like svn://svn.twistedmatrix.com/svn/Twisted (i.e. there is a
# physical repository at /svn/Twisted on that host), (PROJECT) is
# something like Projects/Twisted (i.e. within the repository's
# internal namespace, everything under Projects/Twisted/ has
# something to do with Twisted, but these directory names do not
# actually appear on the repository host), (BRANCH) is something like
# "trunk" or "branches/2.0.x", and (FILEPATH) is a tree-relative
# filename like "twisted/internet/defer.py".
# our self.svnurl attribute contains (ROOT)/(PROJECT) combined
# together in a way that we can't separate without svn's help. If the
# user is not using the split_file= argument, then self.svnurl might
# be (ROOT)/(PROJECT)/(BRANCH) . In any case, the filenames we will
# get back from 'svn log' will be of the form
# (PROJECT)/(BRANCH)/(FILEPATH), but we want to be able to remove
# that (PROJECT) prefix from them. To do this without requiring the
# user to tell us how svnurl is split into ROOT and PROJECT, we do an
# 'svn info --xml' command at startup. This command will include a
# <root> element that tells us ROOT. We then strip this prefix from
# self.svnurl to determine PROJECT, and then later we strip the
# PROJECT prefix from the filenames reported by 'svn log --xml' to
# get a (BRANCH)/(FILEPATH) that can be passed to split_file() to
# turn into separate BRANCH and FILEPATH values.
# whew.
if not self._prefix:
# this sets self._prefix when it finishes
d = self._determine_prefix()
d = defer.succeed(None)
if self.working:
dbgMsg("Skipping checksvn because last one has not finished")
return d
self.working = True
d.addCallback(lambda res: self._get_logs())
return d
def _determine_prefix(self):
args = ["info", "--xml", "--non-interactive", self.svnurl]
if self.svnuser:
args.extend(["--username=%s" % self.svnuser])
if self.svnpasswd:
args.extend(["--password=%s" % self.svnpasswd])
d = getProcessOutput(self.svnbin, args, {})
return d
def _determine_prefix_2(self, output):
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(output)
except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
dbgMsg("_process_changes: ExpatError in %s" % output)
log.msg("SvnSource._determine_prefix_2: ExpatError in '%s'"
% output)
rootnodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("root")
if not rootnodes:
# this happens if the URL we gave was already the root. In this
# case, our prefix is empty.
self._prefix = ""
return self._prefix
rootnode = rootnodes[0]
root = "".join([c.data for c in rootnode.childNodes])
# root will be a unicode string
"svnurl='%s' doesn't start with <root>='%s'" %
(self.svnurl, root))
self._prefix = self.svnurl[len(root):]
if self._prefix.startswith("/"):
self._prefix = self._prefix[1:]
log.msg("SvnSource: svnurl=%s, root=%s, so prefix=%s" %
(self.svnurl, root, self._prefix))
return self._prefix
def _get_logs(self):
args = []
args.extend(["log", "--xml", "--verbose", "--non-interactive"])
if self.svnuser:
args.extend(["--username=%s" % self.svnuser])
if self.svnpasswd:
args.extend(["--password=%s" % self.svnpasswd])
args.extend(["--limit=%d" % (self.histmax), self.svnurl])
env = {}
res = getProcessOutput(self.svnbin, args, env)
log.msg("_get_changes args %s end %s returns %s" % (args, env, res))
return res
def _parse_logs(self, output):
# parse the XML output, return a list of <logentry> nodes
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(output)
except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
dbgMsg("_process_changes: ExpatError in %s" % output)
log.msg("SvnSource._parse_changes: ExpatError in '%s'" % output)
logentries = doc.getElementsByTagName("logentry")
return logentries
def _filter_new_logentries(self, logentries, last_change):
# given a list of logentries, return a tuple of (new_last_change,
# new_logentries), where new_logentries contains only the ones after
# last_change
if not logentries:
# no entries, so last_change must stay at None
return (None, [])
mostRecent = int(logentries[0].getAttribute("revision"))
if last_change is None:
# if this is the first time we've been run, ignore any changes
# that occurred before now. This prevents a build at every
# startup.
log.msg('svnPoller: starting at change %s' % mostRecent)
self.last_change = mostRecent
return (mostRecent, [])
if last_change == mostRecent:
# an unmodified repository will hit this case
log.msg('svnPoller: _process_changes last %s mostRecent %s' % (
last_change, mostRecent))
return (mostRecent, [])
new_logentries = []
for el in logentries:
if last_change == int(el.getAttribute("revision")):
new_logentries.reverse() # return oldest first
return (mostRecent, new_logentries)
def _get_text(self, element, tag_name):
child_nodes = element.getElementsByTagName(tag_name)[0].childNodes
text = "".join([t.data for t in child_nodes])
return text
def _transform_path(self, path):
"filepath '%s' should start with prefix '%s'" %
(path, self._prefix))
relative_path = path[len(self._prefix):]
if relative_path.startswith("/"):
relative_path = relative_path[1:]
branch, final_path = self.split_file(relative_path)
return branch, final_path
def _get_new_logentries(self, logentries):
last_change = self.last_change
new_logentries) = self._filter_new_logentries(logentries,
self.last_change = new_last_change
log.msg('svnPoller: _process_changes %s .. %s' %
(last_change, new_last_change))
return new_logentries
def _create_changes(self, new_logentries):
changes = []
for el in new_logentries:
branch_files = [] # get oldest change first
revision = int(el.getAttribute("revision"))
dbgMsg("Adding change revision %s" % (revision,))
author = self._get_text(el, "author")
comments = self._get_text(el, "msg")
when = self._get_text(el, "date")
when = time.mktime(time.strptime("%.19s" % when,
branches = {}
pathlist = el.getElementsByTagName("paths")[0]
for p in pathlist.getElementsByTagName("path"):
path = "".join([t.data for t in p.childNodes])
if path.startswith("/"):
path = path[1:]
branch, filename = self._transform_path(path)
if not branch in branches:
branches[branch] = []
for branch in branches:
c = Change(who=author,
return changes
def _submit_changes(self, changes):
for c in changes:
def _finished(self, res):
dbgMsg('_finished : %s' % res)
assert self.working
self.working = False
# Again, the return value is only for unit testing.
# If there's a failure, log it so it isn't lost.
if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
dbgMsg('checksvn failed: %s' % res)
return res
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