[Buildbot-commits] buildbot ChangeLog,1.786,1.787

Brian Warner warner at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Nov 25 07:57:34 UTC 2006

Update of /cvsroot/buildbot/buildbot
In directory sc8-pr-cvs3.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv26991

Modified Files:
Log Message:
[project @ SF#1517975: enhance 'start' and 'restart' commands to emit the useful parts of twistd.log, up until the process has started properly]

Original author: warner at lothar.com
Date: 2006-11-25 07:55:52

Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvsroot/buildbot/buildbot/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.786
retrieving revision 1.787
diff -u -d -r1.786 -r1.787
--- ChangeLog	24 Nov 2006 20:46:08 -0000	1.786
+++ ChangeLog	25 Nov 2006 07:57:31 -0000	1.787
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
+2006-11-25  Brian Warner  <warner at lothar.com>
+	* buildbot/scripts/runner.py: enhance 'start' and 'restart' to
+	follow twistd.log and print lines until the process has started
+	started properly. For the buildmaster, this means until the config
+	file has been parsed and accepted. For the buildslave, this means
+	until we've connected to the master. We give up after 5 seconds in
+	any case. Helpful error messages and troubleshooting suggestions
+	are printed when we don't see a successful startup. This closes the
+	remainder of SF#1517975.
+	* buildbot/scripts/startup.py: moved app startup code to here
+	* buildbot/scripts/logwatcher.py: utility class to follow log
+	* buildbot/scripts/reconfig.py: rewrite to use LogWatcher
+	* buildbot/slave/bot.py: announce our BuildSlaveness to the log
+	so the LogWatcher can tell the difference between a buildmaster
+	and a buildslave
 2006-11-24  Brian Warner  <warner at lothar.com>
 	* docs/examples/twisted_master.cfg: update to match the version

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