[Buildbot] #3638: Cannot list jobs per work anymore

Buildbot trac trac at buildbot.net
Sat Oct 29 06:35:49 UTC 2016

#3638: Cannot list jobs per work anymore
Reporter:  kayhayen   |      Owner:
    Type:  undecided  |     Status:  new
Priority:  major      |  Milestone:  undecided
 Version:  0.9.0      |   Keywords:

 I have been using the "Slaves", now Workers overview on 0.8.x to quickly
 look at the Windows builds, or in case of a trouble with a worker, where
 e.g. one Python version was not intact, to filter for it.

 In 0.9.0 there is no such link or content anymore, which is a petty.

 I understand that for Windows builds, using a tag would be good (not yet
 looked at that), but looking at one workers builds, would be really nice.

 Also I have been using that page to see which builds run on a worker
 currently. That also seems not possible anymore.

 Is this intentionally removed, or just not yet there again anymore?


Ticket URL: <http://trac.buildbot.net/ticket/3638>
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