[Buildbot] #3473: documentation on ReadTheDocs not updated with latest nine beta releases

Buildbot trac trac at buildbot.net
Wed Mar 2 11:16:24 UTC 2016

#3473: documentation on ReadTheDocs not updated with latest nine beta releases
Reporter:  rutsky     |      Owner:
    Type:  undecided  |     Status:  new
Priority:  major      |  Milestone:  undecided
 Version:  master     |   Keywords:
 Under "latest" version there is 0.9.0b4-127-g91d44f2 release:

 What is the status of buildbot.readthedocs.org and what is the difference
 between https://buildbot.readthedocs.org and http://docs.buildbot.net?

 Latter is self-hosted. Do we use the fact, that it is self-hosted?

Ticket URL: <http://trac.buildbot.net/ticket/3473>
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