[Buildbot] #3530: redirect renamed documentation pages

Buildbot trac trac at buildbot.net
Tue Apr 19 23:24:35 UTC 2016

#3530: redirect renamed documentation pages
Reporter:  rutsky     |      Owner:
    Type:  undecided  |     Status:  new
Priority:  major      |  Milestone:  undecided
 Version:  master     |   Keywords:
 During "slave"->"worker" transition some documentation pages were renamed,
 which broke external references on them.
 Good boys in such cases add redirect from renamed pages to new pages which
 this issue is about.

 There are few possibilities to add redirection.

 1. Using HTML [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meta_refresh meta refresh]
 with [http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#meta
 RST meta], e.g.
    .. slave.rst

    .. meta::
       :http-equiv=refresh: 0; url=worker.html

    Moved to :ref:`Worker`.

    There are several problems with this approach:

    1) It requires to specify (relative) URL to new page, which is
 different when different builders are used (e.g. `html` and `dirhtml`).

    2) This is not suited for other than HTML builders (e.g. for PDF).

 2. Using server HTTP redirect.

    E.g. via https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot-infra/blob/master/files

    and on !ReadTheDocs via https://read-the-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest

 Looks like last one is the proper approach.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.buildbot.net/ticket/3530>
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