[Buildbot] #2877: 'www' build fails

Buildbot trac trac at buildbot.net
Wed Aug 20 00:04:38 UTC 2014

#2877: 'www' build fails
Reporter:  dustin   |      Owner:
    Type:  defect   |     Status:  new
Priority:  blocker  |  Milestone:  0.9.0
 Version:  0.8.9    |   Keywords:  www
     make: Entering directory
       CXX(target) Release/obj.target/bufferutil/src/bufferutil.o
       SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/obj.target/bufferutil.node
       SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/obj.target/bufferutil.node: Finished
       COPY Release/bufferutil.node
       CXX(target) Release/obj.target/validation/src/validation.o
       SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/obj.target/validation.node
       SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/obj.target/validation.node: Finished
       COPY Release/validation.node
     make: Leaving directory
     gulp-shell at 0.2.9 node_modules/gulp-shell
     ├── async at 0.9.0
     ├── through2 at 0.5.1 (xtend at 3.0.0, readable-stream at 1.0.27-1)
     ├── gulp-util at 3.0.0 (lodash._reinterpolate at 2.4.1,
 dateformat at 1.0.8-1.2.3, chalk at 0.5.1, minimist at 0.2.0, vinyl at 0.2.3,
 lodash.template at 2.4.1, multipipe at 0.1.1)
     └── lodash at 2.4.1

     gulp at 3.8.6 node_modules/gulp
     ├── tildify at 0.2.0
     ├── interpret at 0.3.5
     ├── pretty-hrtime at 0.2.1
     ├── deprecated at 0.0.1
     ├── archy at 0.0.2
     ├── minimist at 0.2.0
     ├── chalk at 0.5.1 (escape-string-regexp at 1.0.1, ansi-styles at 1.1.0,
 supports-color at 0.2.0, has-ansi at 0.1.0, strip-ansi at 0.3.0)
     ├── orchestrator at 0.3.7 (stream-consume at 0.1.0, sequencify at 0.0.7, end-
 of-stream at 0.1.5)
     ├── semver at 2.3.2
     ├── gulp-util at 2.2.20 (lodash._reinterpolate at 2.4.1,
 dateformat at 1.0.8-1.2.3, vinyl at 0.2.3, lodash.template at 2.4.1,
 through2 at 0.5.1, multipipe at 0.1.1)
     ├── vinyl-fs at 0.3.6 (graceful-fs at 3.0.2, strip-bom at 0.3.1, vinyl at 0.3.2,
 mkdirp at 0.5.0, through2 at 0.5.1, glob-watcher at 0.0.6, glob-stream at 3.1.15,
 lodash at 2.4.1)
     └── liftoff at 0.12.0 (extend at 1.2.1, minimist at 0.1.0, resolve at 0.7.4,
 findup-sync at 0.1.3)

     run-sequence at 0.3.6 node_modules/run-sequence
     └── chalk at 0.5.1 (escape-string-regexp at 1.0.1, ansi-styles at 1.1.0,
 supports-color at 0.2.0, has-ansi at 0.1.0, strip-ansi at 0.3.0)

     guanlecoja at 0.2.7 node_modules/guanlecoja
     ├── js-string-escape at 1.0.0
     ├── rimraf at 2.2.8
     ├── karma-sourcemap-loader at 0.2.0
     ├── gulp-angular-templatecache at 1.2.1 (path at 0.4.9)
     ├── gulp-rename at 1.2.0
     ├── karma-jasmine at 0.2.2
     ├── minimist at 0.2.0
     ├── event-stream at 3.1.7 (duplexer at 0.1.1, stream-combiner at 0.0.4,
 from at 0.1.3, pause-stream at 0.0.11, map-stream at 0.1.0, split at 0.2.10,
 through at 2.3.4)
     ├── gulp-karma at 0.0.4 (xtend at 2.1.2, event-stream at 3.0.20,
 optimist at 0.6.1)
     ├── gulp-ng-classify at 4.0.0 (ng-classify at 4.0.2)
     ├── gulp-minify-css at 0.3.7 (memory-cache at 0.0.5, bufferstreams at 0.0.1,
 clean-css at 2.2.13, through2 at 0.5.1)
     ├── gulp-concat at 2.3.4 (through at 2.3.4, concat-with-sourcemaps at 0.1.3)
     ├── gulp-fixtures2js at 0.0.1 (through at 2.3.4, fixtures2js at 0.0.0)
     ├── coffee-script at 1.7.1 (mkdirp at 0.3.5)
     ├── gulp-footer at 1.0.5 (lodash.assign at 2.4.1)
     ├── gulp-livereload at 2.1.0 (tiny-lr at 0.0.7, lodash.merge at 2.4.1)
     ├── gulp-cached at 1.0.1 (through2 at 0.5.1, lodash.defaults at 2.4.1)
     ├── gulp-header at 1.0.5 (lodash.assign at 2.4.1)
     ├── gulp-sourcemaps at 1.1.1 (convert-source-map at 0.3.5, vinyl at 0.2.3,
 through2 at 0.5.1)
     ├── gulp-uglify at 0.3.1 (deepmerge at 0.2.7, uglify-js at 2.4.15,
 through2 at 0.4.2)
     ├── gulp-util at 2.2.20 (lodash._reinterpolate at 2.4.1,
 dateformat at 1.0.8-1.2.3, chalk at 0.5.1, vinyl at 0.2.3, through2 at 0.5.1,
 lodash.template at 2.4.1, multipipe at 0.1.1)
     ├── gulp-if at 1.2.4 (gulp-match at 0.2.0, ternary-stream at 1.2.0,
 through2 at 0.5.1)
     ├── karma-phantomjs-launcher at 0.1.4 (phantomjs at 1.9.7-15)
     ├── gulp-coffee at 2.1.1 (merge at 1.1.3, vinyl-sourcemaps-apply at 0.1.1,
 through2 at 0.5.1)
     ├── gulp-remember at 0.2.1 (through2 at 0.5.1)
     ├── gulp-ng-annotate at 0.2.0 (through2 at 0.4.2, ng-annotate at 0.9.11)
     ├── lodash at 2.4.1
     ├── gulp-jade at 0.6.1 (through2 at 0.5.1, jade at 1.3.1)
     ├── connect at 2.12.0 (uid2 at 0.0.3, methods at 0.1.0, cookie-signature at 1.0.1,
 pause at 0.0.1, debug at 0.8.1, fresh at 0.2.0, qs at 0.6.6, bytes at 0.2.1, buffer-
 crc32 at 0.2.1, raw-body at 1.1.2, batch at 0.5.0, cookie at 0.1.0, negotiator at 0.3.0,
 send at 0.1.4, multiparty at 2.2.0)
     ├── gulp-bower-deps at 0.1.2 (gulp-util at 3.0.0, through2 at 0.5.1,
 bower at 1.3.9)
     ├── gulp-less at 1.3.5 (convert-source-map at 0.4.1, lodash.defaults at 2.4.1,
 gulp-util at 3.0.0, vinyl-sourcemaps-apply at 0.1.1, through2 at 0.5.1, less at 1.7.4)
     └── karma at 0.12.22 (di at 0.0.1, graceful-fs at 2.0.3, colors at 0.6.2,
 mime at 1.2.11, q at 0.9.7, optimist at 0.6.1, minimatch at 0.2.14, chokidar at 0.8.4,
 glob at 3.2.11, source-map at 0.1.38, http-proxy at 0.10.4, log4js at 0.6.18,
 useragent at 2.0.9, socket.io at 0.9.17)
     [19:56:40] Bower: Using cwd:
     [19:56:40] Bower: Using bower dir:  libs
     [19:56:40] Using gulpfile ~/www/build/www/base/gulpfile.js
     [19:56:40] Starting 'default'...
     [19:56:40] Starting 'bower'...
     [19:56:41] bower cached git://github.com/moment/moment.git#2.6.0
     [19:56:41] bower validate 2.6.0 against
     [19:56:41] bower cached git://github.com/twbs/bootstrap.git#3.1.1
     [19:56:41] bower validate 3.1.1 against
     [19:56:41] bower cached git://github.com/mbostock/d3.git#3.4.11
     [19:56:41] bower validate 3.4.11 against
     [19:56:41] bower cached git://github.com/mgonto/restangular.git#1.4.0
     [19:56:41] bower validate 1.4.0 against
     [19:56:41] bower cached git://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-
     [19:56:41] bower validate 4.1.0 against git://github.com/FortAwesome
     [19:56:41] bower cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-
     [19:56:41] bower validate 1.2.22 against git://github.com/angular
     [19:56:41] bower not-cached git://github.com/tardyp/guanlecoja-
     [19:56:41] bower resolve git://github.com/tardyp/guanlecoja-
     [19:56:41] bower download https://github.com/tardyp/guanlecoja-
     [19:56:42] bower cached git://github.com/angular/bower-
     [19:56:42] bower validate 1.2.22 against git://github.com/angular
     [19:56:42] bower cached git://github.com/lodash/lodash.git#2.4.1
     [19:56:42] bower validate 2.4.1 against
 git://github.com/lodash/lodash.git#>=1.3.0 <2.5.0
     [19:56:42] bower cached git://github.com/jquery/jquery.git#2.1.1
     [19:56:42] bower validate 2.1.1 against
 git://github.com/jquery/jquery.git#>= 1.9.0
     [19:56:44] bower extract archive.tar.gz
     [19:56:44] bower resolved git://github.com/tardyp/guanlecoja-
     [19:56:44] bower install font-awesome#4.1.0
     [19:56:44] bower install moment#2.6.0
     [19:56:44] bower install angular-mocks#1.2.22
     [19:56:44] bower install restangular#1.4.0
     [19:56:44] bower install d3#3.4.11
     [19:56:44] bower install bootstrap#3.1.1
     [19:56:44] bower install lodash#2.4.1
     [19:56:44] bower install angular#1.2.22
     [19:56:44] bower install jquery#2.1.1
     [19:56:44] bower install guanlecoja-ui#1.1.1
     [19:56:49] Finished 'bower' after 9.17 s
     [19:56:49] Starting 'scripts'...
     [19:56:49] Starting 'styles'...
     [19:56:49] Starting 'fonts'...
     [19:56:49] Starting 'imgs'...
     [19:56:49] Starting 'index'...
     [19:56:49] Starting 'tests'...
     [19:56:49] Starting 'generatedfixtures'...
     [19:56:49] Starting 'fixtures'...
     [19:56:49] Starting 'copyd3'...
     [19:56:49] Finished 'fixtures' after 236 ms
     [19:56:49] Finished 'copyd3' after 312 ms
     [19:56:49] Finished 'index' after 331 ms
     [19:56:50] Finished 'imgs' after 411 ms
     /usr/bin/buildbot:  Unknown command: dataspec

     Usage:    buildbot <command> [command options]
           --help     Display this help and exit.
         create-master       Create and populate a directory for a new
         upgrade-master      Upgrade an existing buildmaster directory for
                             current version
         start               Start a buildmaster
         stop                Stop a buildmaster
         restart             Restart a buildmaster
         reconfig            SIGHUP a buildmaster to make it re-read the
 config file
         sighup              SIGHUP a buildmaster to make it re-read the
 config file
         sendchange          Send a change to the buildmaster
         debugclient         Launch a small debug panel GUI
         statuslog           Emit current builder status to stdout
         statusgui           Display a small window showing current builder
         try                 Run a build with your local changes
         tryserver           buildmaster-side 'try' support function, not
 for users
         checkconfig         test the validity of a master.cfg config file
         user                Manage users in buildbot's database

     [19:56:50] 'generatedfixtures' errored after 1.26 s
     [19:56:50] Error in plugin 'gulp-shell'
         Command failed:
         killed: false
         code: 1
         signal: null
     [19:56:50] 'default' errored after 10 s
     [19:56:50] undefined
     [19:56:50] Finished 'fonts' after 1.27 s
     [19:56:50] Finished 'styles' after 1.28 s
     [19:56:51] Finished 'tests' after 2.12 s
     [19:57:00] Finished 'scripts' after 11 s
     error: command
 failed with exit status 1

 it looks like it's running the system 'buildbot', which definitely isn't

Ticket URL: <http://trac.buildbot.net/ticket/2877>
Buildbot <http://buildbot.net/>
Buildbot: build/test automation

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