[Buildbot-devel] Sphinx builder

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at v.igoro.us
Sat Jul 30 21:46:04 UTC 2011

2011/7/29 Benoît Allard <benoit at aeteurope.nl>:
> While I do think, a script is for sure a general nice idea, I also think
> that we might spend more time tweaking the script, and manually going
> through the output, than doing the conversion once for all. Beside that such
> a script more has its place inside the docutils or sphinx project. I
> consider this as a one-time operation, not something we'll do every week.

Of course!  The idea of the script is to do to the bulk of the
conversion, and then touch it up by hand, before committing it.  With
some careful use of the script and git, I could manage to do this over
a few weeks during which others were making changes to the docs.

> Simon did it once. Taking one of his files as example, it should be possible
> to process the doc once again ...
> Or even better, if we apply Simon's diff on the 0.8.1, and then merge it
> with the head, we will only have to process the difference in the doc since
> then ! Thanks three-way-merge !
> I'll take some time next week to see what I can do ...

Let me know how that works!


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