[Buildbot-devel] Problems with launchd

Daniel e_list1 at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 30 16:48:17 UTC 2008

On Jun 27, 2008, at 18:08, john gale wrote:
> On Jun 27, 2008, at 2:10 PM, Daniel wrote:
>> The parent process of these ReportCrash entries is make, so I know
>> this is happening during the build, but I haven't figured out why or
>> how to resolve them.
>> Anybody have any ideas?
> Sounds like make might not be looking at the "correct" path for  
> Python.  If you don't mind clobbering old files, replace the system  
> version of Python (maybe in /System/Library/Frameworks/ 
> Python.framework) with the updated 2.5 python.
> (of course, back things up before trying this)

John and Roch,

Many thanks for all of your help.  I was finally able to get things  
running properly today.  Basically I hadn't fully set up the build  
environment.  Adding enough environment variables I was able to get  
past all of the issues, including the python crashes.

Thanks so much.


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