[Buildbot-devel] BuildBot with CVSNT

Carl Dionne cdionne at quazal.com
Sat Nov 4 02:41:55 UTC 2006

I'm using BuildBot on windows, using CVSNT.  I could not get it to
perform cvs login correctly - I'm not sure, but I believe that CVSNT
somehow clears the stdin before accepting the password, and redirecting
the password to a cvs login command does not work properly.


As a workaround, it is possible to perform a cvs login -p password,
under CVSNT (I'm not sure if this is supported by the standard cvs).
Here is a change I did to commands.py to get that working fine.



<                        + ['login'])


>                        + ['login','-p',self.login])


This is a little hacked as it does not include any option to configure
the behavior (-p or stdin), but I was not sure what was the proper way
to do this with BuildBot.


I'm mentioning this, in case someone else has a similar problem.




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